
New pilots Oiconomy Pricing available
During the last months four companies have been active in applying Oiconomy Pricing for one of their products. Tradin Organic applied it for their cocoa liquor produced from single origin beans originating from Sierra Leone. Moyee used it to analyze their roasted coffee sourced from Mizan, Ethiopia, where the fresh coffee cherries are cultivated by…
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Can Oiconomy Pricing help companies to comply to the new EU regulations on transparent value chains?
Recently various new EU regulations on transparency in global value chains have been prepared and accepted. These include the EU regulation on Deforestation Free Products (EURDP, EU 2023/1115), the Digital Product Passport (DPP, EU Document 52022PC0142) as part of the EU Ecodesign for Sustainable Product Regulation, theForced Labor Ordinance FLO, EU Document 52022PC0453), the Corporate…
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Disclosing Real Prices of Products: Why Would a Producer Do This?
In recent years we see a growing number of initiatives for assessing and showing the ‘real’ or ‘true’ price of consumer products, in food and in other product categories. Not included in the market prices are the impacts of pollution, like the high costs of the weather extremes that we increasingly are experiencing. Also not…
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Just published: Comparing Full Cost Accounting methods
Just published in the Q1 journal Environmental and Sustainability Indicators: a comparison of the current product-oriented full cost accounting methods. Various challenges are identified for creating valid and comparable calculations of the full costs of products, expressing the level of sustainability of a product. The article presents a new way of mapping the diversity of…
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Scientific article published about first pilot study
The first Oiconomy pricing pilot study conducted in 2022 is now discussed in a scientific paper in the Q1 journal Business Strategy and the Environment. It is available for downloading in Open Access here:
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Oiconomy Pricing Lab proposal submitted to NWA ORC 2022
We just submitted a ground-breaking research proposal to the National Science Agenda (NWA) call for research consortia of NWO. Together with 24 partners, Utrecht University created a transdisciplinary Community of Practice: the Oiconomy Pricing Lab. It includes frontrunning companies applying Oiconomy Pricing, various business networks, sustainability consultants, civil society organisations and academic partners and universities…
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First Oiconomy Pricing Lab – NWA ORC Consortium meeting
On the 12th of October 2022, the first Consortium of the Oiconomy Pricing Lab and NWA-ORC was held at the Utrecht University Hall (Academiegebouw Universiteit Utrecht). The event started with a warm welcome by Walter J.V. Vermeulen, one of the co-founders of the Oiconomy Pricing, followed by a round of introduction of the Consortium members….
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Oiconomy Pricing holds workshop at Sustainability University Foundation
On 12th September, Oiconomy Pricing was invited to hold a workshop at the annual meeting of the Sustainability University, chaired by Carola Wijdoogen at the Number 5 Foundation in The Hague. The gathering started with a warm welcome by Laurentien van Oranje, followed by a reflection on the “The State of the Sustainability Profession” by…
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Training Oiconomy Ambassadors
On 6th and 7th September, the Oiconomy team trained six Oiconomy Ambassadors in applying the Oiconomy Pricing tool. The Oiconomy Ambassadors are second-year students from the Masters programmes “Sustainable Development” and “Sustainable Business Innovation” at Utrecht University. During the training, the participants first got introduced to the Oiconomy Pricing key principles by the founder of…
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Reflections about Oiconomy Pricing in Social Media: Hordijk Groep B.V.
Hordijk Groep B.V. produces the jar for the pepper sold bij Verstegen (see examples). Bastiaan Koenen, Sales Manager at Hordijk about Oiconomy: “It is a method to determine the true price of products in the supply chain: the extra cost for the sustainable version of a product. We did this with a jar of white…
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