Oiconomy Pricing

Oiconomy Pricing Lab

Challenges & Future Additions

Oiconomy Pricing functions as a genuine Open Science effort. Scholars and experts engaging in sustainability assessment of (their) products are invited to join us and contribute to the Oiconomy Pricing Research & Development agenda.

Oiconomy Pricing is ready for use, but we share our challenges for further development. Bring us your suggestions for refinement, within the boundaries of our key principles. We welcome you in the community of the Oiconomy Pricing Lab.

The methodology is based on eight key principles, aiming at a valid, fair, inclusive and up to date representation of the real price.

We apply eight basic principles for the Oiconomy Pricing assessment:

  1. It maps out all sustainability aspects related to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals;
  2. It discloses these aspects as much as possible for the entire value chain of products or services;
  3. It discloses these aspects as much as possible on the basis of the actual actions of the parties in the value chain;
  4. It translates the data on the actual actions of the parties in the value chain into the costs necessary for the prevention of the negative consequences for nature and society, as described in the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals;
  5. The data collection and processing as referred to under 3 and 4 takes place on the basis of the most recent scientific insights and data sources;
  6. The working methods in the assessment systems are available to everyone;
  7. Companies and organizations wishing to use the systems for communications to third parties must accept independent verification of use by third parties (still to be developed);
  8. Proposals for adapting (parts of) the assessment systems, within the basic principles set out in this article, are assessed and approved by a scientific committee to be set up by the Oiconomy Pricing Foundation.

So far, we developed Oiconomy Pricing for almost all aspects referred to under principle 1.

But it is not fully finished and will be open for improvement.

For this we invite the scientific community to contribute and make Oiconomy Pricing a genuine Open  Science effort.

Various aspects are still missing and proposals for solutions are welcome:

  • Thermal pollution
  • Incident caused pollution
  • User phase depletion and waste
  • Land use for livestock
  • Marine degradation
  • Employment contract time
  • Finance related aspects

Various other aspects may require better source data or partial adjustments.

A more detailed description of the open Research & Development agenda can be seen HERE.

We invite scholars (professors, postdocs, PhDs, master students) but also experts in society to contribute to the Oiconomy Pricing Research & Development agenda.

More details about the procedures for this are available HERE.