Pim Croes defended his PhD Thesis
Dr. Pim Croes has developed a method for determining the actual price of products in the supply chain: the price for the sustainable version of a product. The prices for most products do not reflect their actual cost, as the products’ manufacture, trade, use and end of life are responsible for a significant portion of global environmental, social and economic damages. This situation is unlikely to improve as long as these damages remain unpaid and consumers continue to prefer the cheapest option. Now, thanks to Croes’ research, these hidden costs can finally be identified and passed on to the end user. This is an important first step towards a sustainable and responsible economy of actual price: the ‘oiconomy’, based on the Classical Greek word oikos (family, household or property), which is the root for our words ‘economy’ and ‘ecology’. Oiconomy does not necessarily mean that life will become more expensive, however, as over the long term it usually costs more to repair damage than to prevent it.
The defense of the thesis “Comprehensive in-supply chain life cycle assessment of the preventative cost-based externalities of products. An assessment methodology as first step to a sustainable and responsible true price economy: “Oiconomy”” will took place on the 13th January 2021 in the University Hall.